Session 1
Towards climate-neutral and circular foundation of infrastructure – Dutch policy – Maya Sule (Rijkswaterstaat)
Towards climate-neutral and circular foundation of infrastructure–Some technical directions – Peter Dijkhuizen & Arjan Grashuis (Rijkswaterstaat)
Navigating Stakeholder Concerns towards Foundation Decarbonization and Reuse: Insights from the Geotechnical Construction Industry – Natalia Rucinska (Menard)
How foundation reuse of Amsterdam’s infrastructure contributes to the city’s sustainability goals – Annemarij Kooistra (Gemeente Amsterdam)
Foundation Reuse in the U.S.: Impediments and Opportunities – Andy Boeckmann (Dan Brown and Associates)

Session 2
Reuse Testing & Inspection: Change Uncertainties to Opportunities – Marcel Bielefeld (Allnamics)
Reuse of existing steel pile foundation study-hallecks RD and HWY 401 bridge, Brockville, Ontario, Canada – Tony Sangiuliano & Paul Carnaffan (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada)
Nondestructive length exploration methods for existing soil mix walls reinforced with steel beams – Shou NISHIIE (Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute)
Wooden pile foundations: structural analysis and assessment of remaining load carrying capacity – Jan-Willem van de Kuilen (TU Delft)
Strength characterisation of existing wooden foundation piles under bridges and quay walls in Amsterdam by mechanical testing and assessment through micro-drilling – Giorgio Pagella (TU Delft)
Investigations for the re-use of foundations – A case study of the Skyline project, Shell Moerdijk – Adriaan van Seters (Fugro)
Revisiting shatin towers (HK) – reassessment of foundation evaluation and corrective solutions following recent advances in analytical tools – Pawan Sethi (Tetra Tech Coffey and University of Sydney)

Session 3
The ‘stuff in the ground’, our impact on shaping a better planet – Dinesh Patel (ARUP)
Revitalizing infrastructure: Geotechnical design and sustainable foundation reuse in the A9BAHO project near Amsterdam – Johan Schuringa (Fugro)
Maximising a foundation’s lifetime through monitoring: a case study from the port of Rotterdam – Kevin Duffy (TU Delft)
Van Brienenoordbridge in Rotterdam – Jessica Oudhof (ARUP)
Stone column testing program comparing natural stone and recycled concrete aggregates – Pascal Schauber (Keller)
State of Practice of Embodied Carbon Calculation Tools in Geotechnical Engineering – Christopher Nelsen (Delve Underground)
Nonlinear finite element analyses demonstrate re-use of a foundation – Ab van den Bos (Nlyse Consultants)
Design concept for sustainable cut-off walls made of highly deformable filling materials – Karsten Beckhaus (Bauer)

Session 4
Be Frugal Do better with less – Marc Lacazedieu (Menard)
Low carbon initiatives at Euston station HS2 – The environmentally friendly pile installation in London – Franz-Werner Gerressen (Bauer), Deon Louw & Robert West (Cementation Skanska)
Scale model tests on the lateral behaviour of new monopile foundations installed over old piles – – Philipp Stein (BAW)
Re-use of foundations by increasing the bearing capacity of the foundation soil – Elmar Buhl (Uretek)
Rapid Dynamic Compactor (RIC) as a solution for former industrial sites with control of soil-foundation interaction in case of remains of foundations – Stéphane Brûlé (Menard)
Combined wood-ductile cast iron pile (CWD-Pile) – A modern revival of a traditional technique – Thomas Kirchmaier (Keller)
Cutter Soil Mix-Energywall full-scale test experimental setup – Vincent Leclercq (CRUX)
Reuse and treatment of spoil from the jet grout process – Gerard van Zwieten (VSF)