Tuesday March 25
8.15 hrs Registration
9.00 hrs Welcome and opening – Gerald Verbeek, conference chair (Allnamics)
9.10 hrs Opening by KIVI – Patrick IJnsen (KIVI)
Allnamics (conference chair)
Van 't Hek Group, member of DFI Sustainability Committee en de NVAF Sustainability Working Group
9.20 hrs The Foundation of this conference – Gerald Verbeek (Allnamics)
9.35 hrs Keynote session 1: T.B.A.
10.15 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
10.45 hrs Presentations on the conference topic from an owner’s point of view
11.45 hrs Q&A session 1: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
12.30 hrs Lunchbreak + visit exhibition
13.30 hrs Keynote session 2: Dr. Ernst Niederleithinger
Head of Non-destructive Testing Methods for Civil Engineering at BAM
14.10 hrs Presentations on the conference topic from a foundation testing/evaluation point of view
14.55 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
15.25 hrs Presentations on the conference topic from a foundation testing/evaluation point of view (cont’d)
16.10 hrs Q&A session 2: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
16.50 hrs Closing day 1, Maurice Bottiau (DFI)
General Manager of Franki Foundations, Brussels, Belgium
17.00 hrs End day 1
19.00 hrs Conference dinner at Restaurant 1e Klas
Wednesday March 26
9.00 hrs Welcome and opening Gerald Verbeek, conference chair (Allnamics)
9.10 hrs Keynote session 3: Pawel Michalak, Fugro
Global Director Innovation at Fugro
9.50 hrs Presentations on the conference topic from a design point of view
10.35 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
11.05 hrs Presentations on the conference topic from a design point of view (cont’d).
11.50 hrs Q&A session 3: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
13.30 hrs Keynote session 4: Jack Paesschen (ArcelorMittal)
CEO ArcelorMittal Project Europe
14.10 hrs Presentation on the conference topic from a construction point of view
15.00 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
15.25 hrs Presentation on the conference topic from a construction point of view.
16.10 hrs Q&A session 4: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
16.50 hrs Closing day 2, Patrick IJnsen (KIVI)
17.00 hrs Reception