Conference program 2nd Annual Conference on Foundation Decarbonization and Re-use
Tuesday May 28
8.00 hrs Registration
8.30 hrs Welcome and opening – Gerald Verbeek, conference chair (Allnamics)
8.40 hrs Opening by KIVI – Patrick IJnsen (KIVI)
Gerald Verbeek
Allnamics (conference chair)
Patrick IJnsen
Van 't Hek Group, member of DFI Sustainability Committee en de NVAF Sustainability Working Group
8.50 hrs The Foundation of this conference – Gerald Verbeek (Allnamics)
Session 1: moderate by Patrick IJnsen (KIVI)
9.10 hrs Keynote session 1: Towards climate-neutral and circular foundation of infrastructure – Dutch policy – Maya Sule (Rijkswaterstaat)
Maya Sule
Program manager at Rijkswaterstaat
9.50 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
10.20 hrs Towards climate-neutral and circular foundation of infrastructure–Some technical directions – Peter Dijkhuizen & Arjan Grashuis (Rijkswaterstaat)
10.35 hrs Navigating Stakeholder Concerns towards Foundation Decarbonization and Reuse: Insights from the Geotechnical Construction Industry –
Natalia Rucinska (Menard)
10.50 hrs How foundation reuse of Amsterdam’s infrastructure contributes to the city’s sustainability goals – Annemarij Kooistra (Gemeente Amsterdam)
11.05 hrs Foundation Reuse in the U.S.: Impediments and Opportunities – Andy Boeckmann (Dan Brown and Associates)
11.20 hrs Q&A session 1: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
12.00 hrs Lunchbreak + visit exhibition
13.00 hrs Panel discussion Foundation Re-use project – Johan van der Meer (gemeente Súdwest-Fryslân), Eric van Noord (de Architekten Cie B.V.), Jan-Willem Hoekstra (Van Rossum), Arjan Grashuis (Rijkswaterstaat), Hilke Janssen (SOCOTEC) & Andy Boeckmann (Dan Brown and Associates), moderated by Gerald Verbeek
Session 2: moderate by Jaap Estié (NVAF)
14.00 hrs Keynote session 2: Marcel Bielefeld (Allnamics)
Marcel Bielefeld
Managing partner of Allnamics Geotechnical & Pile Testing Experts
14.40 hrs Reuse of existing steel pile foundation study-hallecks RD and HWY 401 bridge, Brockville, Ontario, Canada –
Tony Sangiuliano & Paul Carnaffan (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada)
14.55 hrs Nondestructive length exploration methods for existing soil mix walls reinforced with steel beams – Shou NISHIIE
(Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute)
15.10 hrs Wooden pile foundations: structural analysis and assessment of remaining load carrying capacity – Jan-Willem van de Kuilen (TU Delft)
15.25 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
15.55 hrs Strength characterisation of existing wooden foundation piles under bridges and quay walls in Amsterdam by mechanical testing and assessment through micro-drilling – Giorgio Pagella (TU Delft)
16.10 hrs Investigations for the re-use of foundations – A case study of the Skyline project, Shell Moerdijk – Adriaan van Seters (Fugro)
16.25 hrs Revisiting shatin towers (HK) – reassessment of foundation evaluation and corrective solutions following recent advances in analytical tools – Pawan Sethi (Tetra Tech Coffey and University of Sydney)
16.40 hrs Q&A session 2: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
17.20 hrs EFFC-DFI carbon reduction guide – Christopher Nelsen
17.35 hrs Closing day 1, Maurice Bottiau (DFI)
Maurice Bottiau
General Manager of Franki Foundations, Brussels, Belgium
17.40 hrs End day 1
19.00 hrs Conference dinner at Restaurant 1e Klas
Wednesday May 29
8.15 hrs Registration
9.00 hrs Welcome and opening Gerald Verbeek, conference chair (Allnamics)
Session 3: moderate by Maurice Bottiau (DFI)
9.10 hrs Keynote session 3: Dinesh Patel (ARUP)
Dinesh Patel
Director at ARUP
9.50 hrs Revitalizing infrastructure: Geotechnical design and sustainable foundation reuse in the A9BAHO project near Amsterdam –
Johan Schuringa (Fugro)
10.05 hrs Maximising a foundation’s lifetime through monitoring: a case study from the port of Rotterdam – Kevin Duffy (TU Delft)
10.20 hrs Van Brienenoordbridge in Rotterdam – Jessica Oudhof (ARUP)
10.35 hrs Stone column testing program comparing natural stone and recycled concrete aggregates – Pascal Schauber (Keller)
10.50 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
11.15 hrs State of Practice of Embodied Carbon Calculation Tools in Geotechnical Engineering – Christopher Nelsen (Delve Underground)
11.30 hrs Nonlinear finite element analyses demonstrate re-use of a foundation – Ab van den Bos (Nlyse Consultants)
11.45 hrs Design concept for sustainable cut-off walls made of highly deformable filling materials – Karsten Beckhaus (Bauer)
12.00 hrs Q&A session 3: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
12.40 hrs Lunchbreak + visit exhibition
Session 4: moderate by Luke Deamer (EFFC)
13.35 hrs EFFC-DFI circular economy and other guides – Luke Deamer
13.50 hrs Keynote session 4: Marc Lacazedieu (Menard)
Marc Lacazedieu
CEO at Menard
14.30 hrs Low carbon initiatives at Euston station HS2 – The environmentally friendly pile installation in London – Franz-Werner Gerressen (Bauer), Deon Louw & Robert West (Cementation Skanska)
14.45 hrs Scale model tests on the lateral behaviour of new monopile foundations installed over old piles – Philipp Stein (BAW)
15.00 hrs Re-use of foundations by increasing the bearing capacity of the foundation soil – Elmar Buhl (Uretek)
15.15 hrs Coffee- and tea break + visit exhibition
15.40 hrs Rapid Dynamic Compactor (RIC) as a solution for former industrial sites with control of soil-foundation interaction in case of remains of foundations – Stéphane Brûlé (Menard)
15.55 hrs Combined wood-ductile cast iron pile (CWD-Pile) – A modern revival of a traditional technique – Thomas Kirchmaier (Keller)
16.10 hrs Cutter Soil Mix-Energywall full-scale test experimental setup – Vincent Leclercq (CRUX)
16.25 hrs Reuse and treatment of spoil from the jet grout process – Gerard van Zwieten (VSF)
16.40 hrs Q&A session 4: moderated by Gerald Verbeek
17.20 hrs Closing day 2, Patrick IJnsen (KIVI)
17.25 hrs Reception